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Advanced Configurations for Reports

The Sprint Reports for Jira app allows advanced configurations to be set at both the team and organization levels, providing flexibility and customization for how teams and the organization as a whole track and analyze work.

Team-Level Configurations

These configurations are accessed while editing a team within the "Manage teams" section.

Exclude Tickets From Team Analytics

This setting allows you to specify ticket types that should be excluded from team-based reports and analytics. This can be useful for excluding irrelevant ticket types, such as tasks or often sub-tasks, from team performance metrics.

Define Bug Tickets

Here, you can define which ticket types are considered bugs within your team. This helps ensure consistency in how bugs are categorized and tracked across the team's work.

Configure Story Points Warning

This setting allows you to configure ticket types for which Sprint Reports for Jira should not prompt for story points. This can be helpful for excluding specific ticket types, such as tasks or technical debt items, from story point estimation.

Organization-Wide Configuration

This configuration is typically set by an administrator and applies to all teams within the organization.

Define Workflow States

This setting allows you to define the specific workflow states that signify a ticket is:

  • In-progress: This state indicates that work is actively being done on the ticket.
  • Completed: This state indicates that the ticket has been successfully addressed and resolved.