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Customizations and Settings

Middleware provides various configuration options to tailor the calculations to your teams’ needs:

Production Branches​

Define production branches for fetching deployments and PR merges. image


This is a TEAM-SPECIFIC setting.

The branches you define as production branches for a repo are applied only for the selected team.

This allows us to support use-cases where a single monorepo is used by multiple teams which may use different branch name conventions.

By default, the default branches are used as production branches for each repo. Usually it's something like main or master.

Incident Types​

Choose whether to include Alerts, Revert PRs, and/or Incidents as incident types for CFR and MTTR calculations.

Incident Filters​

Apply filters to exclude incidents based on keywords or substrings in their titles. image

PR Filters​

Exclude PRs that are open for too long or too short to avoid skewing metrics. image

Filtering by Branches​

Configuring production branches, or filtering by a custom set of branches support Regex.

Simply type the branch name and hit comma to register it as an input, and then press Enter/Return, or click Save if present on the UI. image


By default, the default branches are used as production branches for each repo. Usually it's something like main or master.


If you have branches like release-1, release-2, etc. which you'd like to include in your PRs and Deployments analysis, you can use regexes to target them:

-> release-\d+

Other examples:

RegexCan be used for
v(\d|\.)+v1.2.3, v2.0, v5, v9.44
feat-.+feat-some-dumb-feature, feat-roadmap, feat-docs
release-.+release-v0.4-alpha, release-feb-25, release-ios-18.1