Middleware - Be Productive, Not Busy!

A Practical Productivity Guide for Engineering Managers of Distributed Software Engineering Teams

4 min read

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Okay, remote software engineering teams can be a total game-changer – top-notch talent from anywhere, flexible work, brilliant ideas flowing around the clock.

But let's be real, managing a team scattered across time zones is a whole different beast. The productivity goes down the drain if things aren't set in the most fluid of ways.

How do you get everyone vibing and crushing it when they might never even meet in person?

It's all about tackling a few key challenges to get things going.

We'll take you through what those challenges are and how you can solve for them in this article.

Challenge #1: The Invisible Barrier of Communication When Working Remote

Casual coffee chats vanish in a distributed environment which impacts information flow and relationships.

Many managers default to more meetings to boost productivity but it can very easily work against you. Instead, here are a few things to try:

  • "Virtual Watercooler": Dedicated Slack channels or daily 'stand-ups' mimic informal check-ins and boost team strength.

  • Over-Communication & Transparency as Norm: Ray Dalio, founder of Bridgewater Associates promotes radical truth and radical transparency in teams that want to become world class.
    Proactive updates prevent bottlenecks and build trust within the team.

  • Asynchronous Wins: Tools like Loom that let you record screencasts, providing clarity in async – invaluable for cross-timezone teams.

Challenge #2: Building Trust When You Rarely Meet

Trust is the foundation of thriving teams. And remote work adds a layer of complexity that if not handled carefully can result in a disconnected team that impacts your delivery negatively.

Here are a few tactics to help you build trust:

  • Face Time Matters: Regular video calls (including 1-on-1s) add 'human' connection, which helps people feel more connected and excited about the work they do.

  • Empathy: Remote struggles are easy to sweep under the fridge. Lead with empathy, encourage asking for help, and normalize setbacks.

  • Celebrating Wins Regularly: Recognize achievements publicly, using dedicated channels or team meetings.

Challenge #3: Mastering the Tools for Seamless Collaboration

Choosing the right tools, and knowing how to leverage them, makes or breaks virtual software engineering teams.

Here are a few things to prioritize to maximize team efficiency:

  • Centralized Workhub: Jira etc., become mission control. Ensure clarity on usage and process – reducing wasted time on "Where's that info?"
    Middleware is a great tool that brings you everything you need to know about how your team is performing and where they’re stuck.

  • Real-Time Code Collaboration: Live Share features (VS Code), pair programming tools like Tuple, offer a way to code together regardless of distance. In case the team has fewer senior developers, you can opt to an async mode with PRs with a checklist which will ensure some good practice which the junior developer is nudged to think.
    This increases learning while unblocking the senior developer bandwidth.

  • Visual Whiteboarding: Platforms that provide a collaborative ideation board are a must use for distributed brainstorms, replicating in-person idea generation.

Challenge #4: Distraction Handling 101

Working from home also means someone’s spouse asking for “1 minute”, the pet interrupting the workflow or that Amazon package that you ordered finally showing up.

Here are a few ideas to help yourself and your team with distractions when WFH:

  • Deep Work Hours: Promote scheduled 'focus blocks' – no meetings, minimal notification interruptions. Experiment with the Pomodoro technique.

  • Mental Health: Remote work can exacerbate burnout. Offer wellness resources, mental health days, and prioritize time off.

  • Encourage Workspace Set-Up: Simple as it sounds, helping equip remote devs with ergonomic gear and a work-conducive setup helps a lot. Physically, mentally as well as with product delivery!

Don’t Ignore Data

Even without in-person observation, data can illuminate pain points in a remote software engineering team:

  • Cycle Time: Pinpoint slowdowns in process – are PR approvals a recurring bottleneck?

  • Velocity & Burndowns: Gauge team capacity and planning accuracy over time.

  • Engagement Metrics: Survey tools pinpoint potential isolation or morale dips.

While Goodhart’s law is holy grail and you should not make metrics a goal, validating hunches with data signals accelerate decision making in the unbiased right direction.

Tools to Elevate Your Remote Engineering Team

While tactics take you far, the right tools let you understand exactly what is failing and how to tackle it:

  • Middleware: Automated insights into engineering team workflows illuminate efficiency wins and unblock hidden roadblocks. From a birds eye view across your engineering department to a deeper understanding of the workflow of each software developer, you get it all.

  • Collaboration Suites: Google Workspace, Slack, etc., streamline day-to-day communication. This is important to help with overall productivity and also special scenarios that may pop up from time to time.

  • Time Zone Tools: Explore tools that help simplify time zones when scheduling meetings and other calls.

Leading a high-performing remote software engineering team requires active management, a highly data based approach and smart tool adoption.

By keeping in mind that remote work is not the same as in office work you can create fertile ground for innovation, helping create & ship amazing products & features consistently.