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Is Carbon Language Moving Towards Success or Self-Destruction? A Case Study in Rapid Deployments

8 min read

Cover Image for Is Carbon Language Moving Towards Success or Self-Destruction? A Case Study in Rapid Deployments

The Carbon Language repo on GitHub maintains an impressive deployment frequency, consistently pushing updates at a rapid pace. With an average of over 74.67 deployments per month—hitting 79 in July 2024 alone—Carbon is setting the pace for fast, efficient software delivery. But is there a price for going this fast?

This case study dives into the clever tactics that keep Carbon’s wheels turning, while also uncovering whether Carbon's speed comes at a hidden cost. Buckle up—there’s more beneath the hood than meets the eye.

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Middleware OSS: Uncovering the Secrets Behind Carbon's Rapid Deployment

Middleware didn’t just stumble upon the Carbon Language repo—we took one look at this high-speed project and knew it was time to roll up our sleeves. Middleware set out to examine how Carbon keeps its gears running so smoothly—and whether all that speed might be masking deeper performance issues.

With its aim to be a successor to C++, Carbon is fast, but can it balance that speed with long-term efficiency? This analysis sets the tone for the rest of the case study - a full diagnostic check. Middleware OSS is the tool for assessing what makes an open-source project tick—looking at deployment frequency, lead times, rework, and more.

Strap on the seat belt!

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Firstly, What are Dora Metrics?

Dora metrics is like the scorecard of your DevOps performance. It includes Deployment Frequency, Lead Time for Changes, Mean Time to Restore (MTTR), and Change Failure Rate. High-flying teams aim for the stars in deployment frequency while keeping lead time, MTTR, and change failure rates in check.

Key Findings

Deployment Frequency: The Star Metric

The Carbon Language repo is hitting home runs in deployment frequency, with 71 deployments in June 2024, 79 in July 2024, and 74 in August 2024.

Contributing Factors: What Fuels the Speed Machine?

Automated Nightly Builds

Imagine getting a new software update every night, great, right? Carbon’s automated nightly builds are a perfectly planned system that ensures fresh code is deployed daily without a hitch.

These builds run quietly in the background, pulling all the latest changes together like clockwork, allowing developers to wake up to new features and fixes every day. It’s like having a tech-savvy magician performing flawless deployments every night.

Continuous Integration Workflows

Think of CI workflows as the support team that operates behind the scenes, meticulously preparing everything before the main event goes live. They manage all the setup, perform every minute checks, and address any issues behind the scenes to ensure that the performance runs smoothly and seamlessly.

With GitHub Actions as the lead technician, they ensure that every piece of code gets its moment to shine, and every deployment rocks the house.

Efficient Task Segregation

When your tasks are well-organized, it’s like having a perfectly labeled filing cabinet—everything’s right where it should be. The Carbon repo has this down to an art. By keeping files and modules cleanly segregated, contributors can jump into specific tasks without hunting for the right pieces, reducing confusion and streamlining the entire process.

It’s as simple as finding what you need with a glance, which helps keep productivity high and rework time low.

Also read: Quick Merge Times: Vue's Superpower

Areas of Improvement: Where the Speed Bumps Are

Rework Time

Rework time is a bit of a mixed bag for Carbon Language, averaging at 8.04 hours. The trend here suggests a growing need for refinement:

  • June 2024: A brisk 5.11 hours

  • July 2024: Slightly longer at 7.79 hours

  • August 2024: A notable increase to 11.23 hours

This upward trend points to increasing complexity or potential issues in the integration process. It’s a signal that while Carbon is racing ahead with its deployments, there’s room to fine-tune and smooth out the kinks. Time for the team to hit the workshop and give this engine a bit of extra TLC!

What’s Slowing Them Down?

Complex Code Integration

Integrating new code into an existing system can sometimes feel like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole—awkward and challenging. When the code is complex, the process of merging changes can become cumbersome. This often involves dealing with intricate pull requests (PRs) that might need multiple revisions to align perfectly with the existing codebase.

It’s like trying to assemble a jigsaw puzzle with missing pieces, and the result can be a bit of a tight squeeze. Check out these particularly tricky PRs #4095 and #4100 for a glimpse into the challenge.


Imagine a game of Jenga, where each block represents a module or component in the codebase. Removing one block affects the stability of the entire tower, just as altering one module can impact the whole system. This delicate balance makes integration a complex and precarious process.

These interdependencies can stretch out rework time, as changes in one area often require adjustments in others. It’s a bit like untangling a knot—you pull and tug, and it just seems to get more complicated the more you work at it.

Manual Intervention

Manual fixes are like speed bumps on a fast track. Every time a manual intervention is needed, it slows down the process and adds to the overall rework time. Instead of having automated systems handle repetitive tasks and fixes, these manual touch-ups can delay deployments and increase the chance of errors. It’s time to introduce some automation wizardry to smooth out these bumps and speed up the process.

Nature of Work

Most contributions to the Carbon Language project are like intricate embroidery work. Each contribution adds a unique stitch to the overall design, requiring careful precision and attention to detail.

Just as a single misstep in embroidery can affect the final pattern, every contribution plays a crucial role in shaping the project's success. It’s a meticulous process, combining intricate new features with precise documentation updates, thorough test cases, and careful bug fixes. The aim? To create a tool that runs as smoothly and reliably as a Swiss timepiece.

Contributor Details and More: Meet the Crew Behind the Code

Active Contributors

A dedicated team of 5 core members—including Jon Ross-Perkins, Chandler Carruth, Richard Smith, and David Blaikie—are driving this project forward. They’re the ones steering this ship through turbulent waters.

High PR Activity

The pull requests are abuzz with activity. Each PR is a hive of energetic contributors, all bringing their best produce to the table. They're busy negotiating, refining, and perfecting the codebase, turning raw ideas into polished features.

These PRs ensure that every piece of code is thoroughly vetted and improved, keeping the project lively and up-to-date.

Amount of Rework

The project’s complexity means an average rework time of 8.04 hours. It’s like navigating through a dense forest—sometimes it takes a bit of extra time to clear the path.

Spotlight on the Latest Upgrades

Automated Nightly Builds

These are the nightly news broadcasts for the development world. With PRs 4055 and 4054 leading the charge, automated nightly builds have become a dependable part of the routine. These nightly builds ensure that fresh updates and improvements are delivered consistently, keeping the project on the cutting edge.

Hashtable Efficiency

PRs #4070 and #4046 have brought major enhancements to hashtable efficiency. Imagine upgrading from an old, rusty lock to a state-of-the-art security system. This optimization boosts data handling speeds and efficiency, ensuring that the system operates smoothly, handling data with precision and agility.

Generic Class Handling

The improvements in PRs 4086 and 4085 are akin to fine-tuning a high-performance engine. Enhanced generic class handling means code management is now more versatile and efficient. These upgrades make the codebase more adaptable and streamlined, resulting in a smoother development experience overall.

Impact on Project and Community

The secret behind maintaining high deployment frequencies? Automated builds! They’re the game-changer that keeps things agile and ensures a steady stream of updates. Other open-source projects should take note and consider integrating similar automation strategies to stay competitive.


Leverage Automation

Integrating automated build scripts and workflows keeps the deployment frequency high. Aim for daily or weekly goals to keep the momentum going.

Modularize to Minimize Rework

Breaking down tasks into smaller, manageable chunks is like organizing your workspace. It makes finding and fixing issues quicker and easier. Review and structure your repo to support modular development.

Build Robust CI/CD Pipelines

Effective pipelines with automated tests ensure each release is top-notch. GitHub Actions can be your best ally in building and maintaining high-quality releases.

Dora Score: 8/10

After diving into the Dora metrics for Carbon Language, it’s cruising with a solid 8/10. The project excels in deployment frequency and CI/CD pipeline efficiency, making it a top performer in those areas. But here's the twist—rework time is holding it back a bit.

When we stack this up against Google’s Annual Dora Report, Carbon Language’s performance is impressive, but a little fine-tuning on rework could propel it to the elite ranks. Want to see how your project measures up? Middleware’s OSS lets you dive deep into your team’s metrics, so you can pinpoint where to boost and get ahead of the pack!


Carbon Language repo stands out for its efficiency and innovation. Its remarkable ability to deliver updates at breakneck speed, thanks to savvy automation and meticulous task management, sets a gold standard for others to follow.

With a staggering average of over 74.67 deployments per month and nightly releases becoming routine, Carbon showcases how a perfectly managed development process can keep software fresh and functional.

But even top performers have room for improvement. While Carbon excels in deployment frequency and CI/CD pipeline efficiency, it could benefit from a tighter grip on rework time to reach its full potential.

Looking to scale your own project’s performance? You found Middleware’s OSS at the right time.

And if you’re eager to dive deeper into these insights and connect with other engineering leaders, join us in The Middle Out Community.

Here’s a fun trivia nugget about Carbon Language

Did You Know? Carbon Language, created by Google, was named after carbon, a fundamental element in chemistry and a building block of life. The name symbolizes the language's goal to be a foundational and transformative element in programming, much like carbon's role in nature.

Further Resources